One of the foundational reasons that Master Networks exists is because life happens -- Chas Wilson knows this first-hand. For this reason, you have a few options to make your membership more flexible and meet your needs.

For our members at-large, who travel so extensively or have other obligations that prevent them from attending chapter meetings on a regular basis, we have Friends of Master Networks. Friends of Master Networks retain all the benefits of being a member, including the ability to collect affiliate rewards and access to our world-class training through MNU, but are not bound to attend one chapter. They can visit any chapter they want when they have time. If Friends of Master Networks status sounds like the perfect fit for you, please talk to your regional partner. 

If you’re experiencing significant health problems or need to care for a family member who is having health issues, you can request a leave of absence. You can suspend your membership for 30 or 60 days, depending on the situation. This allows you to retain your seat in your chapter. You can fill out a Medical Leave of Absence form in the Hub. Just click on your name in the upper right hand corner, select Billing, and click the "request" button under Request Medical Leave of Absence. 

Lastly, if you find that you cannot commit to Master Networks, you can deactivate your membership. To cancel or deactivate your membership, log into the Hub, click on your name in the upper right hand corner, select Billing, and click the "cancel" button under Deactivate Account.


If you run into issues with canceling your account, please call into Master Networks Headquarters at 972-294-5740, or email us at [email protected]. We cannot allow anyone to deactivate your membership for you -- you must do it yourself. 

If you find that you can return to Master Networks, you can reactivate your membership! To reactivate your membership, simply call Headquarters at 972-294-5740. If you’re reactivating your membership within 60 days of canceling it, you will not have to pay the application fee again.